What 2 Channel Receiver would be a good choice?

I want to set up another system and the area that I have to work with does not allow me many options.
I want a 2 Channel Receiver? I will go with a universal player such as the Esoteric and a pair of book shelf speakers and let it go at that.
I have a HT set up on another level of our home and also my dedicated music room for my 2 channel stereo in another.
This system I want to put together would be in our family room and I will be putting a Sony Plasma also into it.
I do not need anymore then 2 Channel in this set up.
Are most receivers made today for HT? 5.1 or more ?
Your suggestions would be appreciated.
Well, since you didn't mention a budget, I'll offer what I think is probably the best two channel reciever out there. It is made by Krell, and I believe the model number is KVR-300. I think you can find them for around 2K used. New I think they are like $3540 or so.
Sorry, I do not have a budget figure in mind as I have never been able to stick to one anyway.
Krell KAV300R is what S7horton is referring to...supposedly has an excellent tuner section...never heard it though so I can't offer any advice...the other receiver that I have seen in mags is the Magnum Dynalab...if you like tubes...maybe an old mac or Fisher 400c...

Just my 2c
Oh yeah, thanks for the correction Ellery, KVR was all I could remember, but it didn't sound right to me either.