Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Thanks for the detailed update Almarg. Looks like you are making steady progress with the HDP-5. It's time consuming but that's the nature of the beast. The hardwork is all in the prep (pretty much like home-owner projects) to make good measurements as the correction (hence listening pleasure) is only as good as these measurements.
Congratulations Al, an excellent summary!

You have been very thorough in measuring your speakers and I am sure Nyal will give excellent advice to get the best from the system

We all look forward to your further updates
Drewan77- From your posts above it looks like might have some advice for me as I consider taking this route to upgrading the SQ of my system which can read about here. I am considering actively crossing over the output from the pre-amp so as not to run the field coils on the OB full range. Since my gear is in the LR, I do not have any realistic options for room treatment. I would like to insert the DEQX in the processor loop of my Doshi pre-amp because first, I love its sound, second, I use two sources, and third, I may want to use its DAC someday when my Transporter goes legs up, networked to my server. I am not a very technically oriented guy, so please keep that in mind. Also, if you think we should take this off-line, just send me a pm and I'll get back to you. One concern I do have is that the newer DEQX products seem to be very much oriented to an all-in-one PRE/DAC/EQ use and I'm not sure if that makes sense in my situation. Luckily, I have the ability to (relatively) easily move my speakers out onto a large screen porch to get speaker response measurements.
This is good stuff. Al, you are the right guy for this job! Could this be the holy grail of tweaks? On paper, to the extent I understand it so far, it (DSP done well and right) has teh potential. I can't wait to hear how it turns out.