Point to point wiring.

Why some of manufacturers claim "point to point" wiring as an advantage? Why is this often highlighted as something special?
It really doesn't make any sense to me, I see this more as disadvantage.
Your opinion please.
interesting to see some contrasting views on this subject. Being relatively new to the hobby myself, I'd always heard point to point wiring spoken of as if it was some really great thing.
Speaking for myself only, chicken tastes as good today as it did when I was a youngster. I fully comprehend your analogy, but feel that it doesn't fit in this situation.

We've all heard what different cabling can do for a system, (some of us have even the sonic effects of changing out an input wire on an amp). This said, it makes sense that internal direct wiring within the circuit itself would have similar effects. It may be difficult to have a wire trace with as much actual area as a 12 or 14 gauge wire, (which may be the optimum size for the circuit design). We haven't even gotten into different grades of copper used in PCB's as compared to the extremely wide variety of wire available for use.

I believe that there are some great reasons for PCB's, sonics not neccessarily one of them. We all have PCB's in our systems, so I'm not saying that good sound isn't possible with PCB's, just that they present compromises.

To state that point to point is amatuerish, DIY, or throwback is off base and may not be the primary reason for utilizing this build design.
Sorry, I don't know how you can say: "We've all heard what different cabling can do for a system... " On that point count me out. I have yet to hear a cable that actually improves anything except through the power of suggestion. Which may work quite well BTW. I simply prefer buying recordings and listening to them. If I have to sit on the edge of my seat and squint to hear an improvement, I quickly conclude that at my age life is just too short to worry about that. On the other hand, I am thinking of getting my head cryoed. Hope it works out.
Pbb if you get your head Cryo'd I want to be there to document it.

I'll wager that just before total freeze up you will realize that chicken tasted better when you were young because they were all free range then as opposed to living in ten inch square wire cages and eating their own crap.

Anyway you need not fear being taken in by the "cable hoax," because you decided long ago that these forums were a place to spend your aggressive tendencies and fight rather than spend $100.00 for a used interconnect and improve your own system.

I would say that the last laugh is on you because you never get improvement in music playback, but I now realize after reading dozens of your comments you really don't care. You just want everyone else to be miserable too.
I am not sure in regards to audio equipment. But, point to point usually means the within a computer network bandwidth is not shared such as the one implemeted by the new Serial networking technology as opposed to the more common daisy chain networking which has to share bandwidth with whatever else is hooked up to it.