Audio Research LS25 Mk II vs Ref 1

Hi Guys;

Has anybody done direct comparisons with the Ref 1 and LS25 Mk II?

Tony- you HAVE a Ref 1- whats' up? I am surprised to see you inquiring about an LS25! Call me crazy, but I would have thought the comparison you would be looking for is Ref 2 MK II to your Ref 1...
Hi Sutts - Yes I do have a Ref 1, but I have not heard the LS25 Mk II. I think the Ref 2 Mk II may be too rich for my system synergy and tastes and wanted to get a feel for the LS25 Mk II. I still have fond memories of my old SP11 Mk II hybrid. I guess we should include the Ref 2 Mk II in the discussion though. Thanks guys
Owned em all...ref1 was whitish...LS25 was wonderfull...MKII is still good, but 6922's in the pre stage is more musical.
I own a LS25MKII and I've started thinking upgrading it to one of the REF models. However, I haven't had the chance to listen to any of the REFs, would you think either REF will be better than the 25mk2 or should I concentrate on the REF2MKII and forget about the older models? The AR is working toghether with a Krell FPB300c into M Logans Prodigy.
I agree about the crisp sound of the 25mkII, wouldn't want to loose dinamics, but certainly would like some more bass extension, more 'punch', so, wich way to go?
brgds, marcelo