ARC vs Atma-Sphere and ARC vs VTL Amplifiers

(Sorry in advance for the long post.)

While I'm particularly interested in the Atma-Sphere MA-1 and the VTL MB-450, I'm interested in learning what sonics users have experienced from the tube amps of all three of these manufacturers. I am most familiar with Audio Research Corp's products so they provide a good reference point for me. I think ARC has made some great amps, so if something is really compettive with their products or better than their products, that would be impressive.

I realize that the models don't all sound the same within a manufacturer's line as designs can change between models and over time. For example, ARC has ebbed and flowed and evolved over the years; their current amps with JFETs seem to elicit somewhat different user comments than their earlier all tube models. And of course the speaker load can make a difference.

Having said all that, I'm very interested in what differences Audiogon users have heard in direct A-B comparisons of ARC vs VTL and ARC vs Atmasphere, and if possible, it would be very helpful to know which amp models and which speakers were heard in the direct A-B, or which amps with what speakers were the basis of the comments if the comments weren't the result of a direct A-B.

While it is valuable to hear a reviewer's qualitative descriptions (more air, more low end extension, etc.) it's also helpful to know how much more or less of these things were heard - just a smigdeon, a noticeable amount, a day and night difference, etc. Generally, I think most Agoners would rather save some $ than just a get a barely discernible upgrade; but if something really takes a system to another level, then sometimes it might be worth spending some $; at that point, it becomes a matter of how many more $, but presumably at least there's a notable difference to be had. (I realize everything can be relative from one user's perspective to another's, but the idea would be to describe both the differences in sound quality and the amount or size of the differences.)

If any Agoners have any comments along these lines regarding ARC vs VTL and ARC vs Atmasphere it would really be most appreciated. It is difficult to find local demos so the ability to get a user's first hand experience "here" (on Audiogon) is the next best thing to "hearing" (the real thing). If nothing else, it helps home-in on the finalists and then maybe it would be worth traveling somehwere to check out finalists first hand.

Thanks very much to all the Agoners who make this such a great forum.
As I am a fairly old Audiophile, I have heard many systems, and nothing has even come close to the combination of Atma-Sphere MA 2.2 and Kharma 3.2 speakers. Any audiophile friend who has heard them has done a double-take...........
The soundstaging, detail, dynamics (maybe attributable to the slew rate of 600mv/sec - the fastest extant), transparency, tightness of the bass and the upper end is just incredible. These are amps for life and as an audio nut, I have never said that before.
But, no, I have not A-B'd them with ARC or VTL. (Nor will I !:)

Well, first thanks for all the info. I appreciate it.

Second, I decided to go with the M-2s, but believe it or not, they aren't here yet. Supposedly they will arrive this month.

Despite reading everything I can find anywhere (audiogon, audioasylum, etc, etc.) I haven't been able to figure out what is the best amp for these speakers. I'm pretty sure that "synergy" is important, so what works anywhere else may or may not work in my system and room. Having said that, I've always built my systems largely on studying other people's experiences and then listening to the contenders for "potential." Although a component in a particular system might not show its potential (if the other components or the room aren't right), a truly outstanding piece of equipment will be part of a truly outstanding sounding system, somewhere. Said differently, if I can't find a system somehwere that sounds great with a particular component (even when the other components and the room might not resemble mine), then I begin to wonder if maybe that component isn't really all that great after all.

Long story short, I'd like to find some system(s) somewhere in the U.S. where an Atma, VTL, or Wolcott amp are included and the system "blows you away" with great sound. Obviously, it would be nice if I could hear such a system with M-2s (or almost any Soundlab speakers), but other stats or Maggies, or any great speaker would be fine. And ideally, I'd like to hear a system where someone could say "listen to how incredible this is", and then switch between two of the brands (Atma vs VTL or vs. Wolcott, and ARC - which is my reference). Kind of hard to believe that it's so hard to find such a system, but I'm still looking. If anyone knows of a system that is truly spectacular that could be auditioned with one of these 3 ARC competitors (or better yet with 2 or 3 of the 3), please send me an email. I can travel a bit and for the right demo I'm inclined to do a road trip. Surely, some dealer or someone somewhere must have an inspirational Atma, VTL, or Wolcott demo. In the meantime, thanks for any additional descriptions of how these various units sound in systems you've heard. One way or another, I'll figure it out - that's part of the fun. Supposedly we're here to enjoy the journey, but I'm starting to get a bit eager for the destination :)
Hi_hifi, are you the same person who just posted over on the SLOG site? Where are you located? I do offer some of what you mention, although ARC isn't something I demo nor would recommend over the others.
