Well, first thanks for all the info. I appreciate it.
Second, I decided to go with the M-2s, but believe it or not, they aren't here yet. Supposedly they will arrive this month.
Despite reading everything I can find anywhere (audiogon, audioasylum, etc, etc.) I haven't been able to figure out what is the best amp for these speakers. I'm pretty sure that "synergy" is important, so what works anywhere else may or may not work in my system and room. Having said that, I've always built my systems largely on studying other people's experiences and then listening to the contenders for "potential." Although a component in a particular system might not show its potential (if the other components or the room aren't right), a truly outstanding piece of equipment will be part of a truly outstanding sounding system, somewhere. Said differently, if I can't find a system somehwere that sounds great with a particular component (even when the other components and the room might not resemble mine), then I begin to wonder if maybe that component isn't really all that great after all.
Long story short, I'd like to find some system(s) somewhere in the U.S. where an Atma, VTL, or Wolcott amp are included and the system "blows you away" with great sound. Obviously, it would be nice if I could hear such a system with M-2s (or almost any Soundlab speakers), but other stats or Maggies, or any great speaker would be fine. And ideally, I'd like to hear a system where someone could say "listen to how incredible this is", and then switch between two of the brands (Atma vs VTL or vs. Wolcott, and ARC - which is my reference). Kind of hard to believe that it's so hard to find such a system, but I'm still looking. If anyone knows of a system that is truly spectacular that could be auditioned with one of these 3 ARC competitors (or better yet with 2 or 3 of the 3), please send me an email. I can travel a bit and for the right demo I'm inclined to do a road trip. Surely, some dealer or someone somewhere must have an inspirational Atma, VTL, or Wolcott demo. In the meantime, thanks for any additional descriptions of how these various units sound in systems you've heard. One way or another, I'll figure it out - that's part of the fun. Supposedly we're here to enjoy the journey, but I'm starting to get a bit eager for the destination :)