2 ch. or 5.1 amp for HT mostly for music

I have just gotten back into audio after having raised 3 children. I bought an HK 325 receiver and 2 rti polk speakers along with a center. At some point for HT, I will probably add surrounds. Here's the problem. If I had it to do again, I probably would not buy any of the above, although neither the HK nor the polks are terrible. I listen mostly to music. Would I be better off to buy a 2 channel stereo amp or a 5.1 amp. I'm leaning toward a 2 channel. If I do go with the 2 ch. will this stll work when I add the surrounds. Again mostly music for me but some movies for the wife and family. I am also in the market for some good used speakers.
Assuming the receiver has preamp output for the two front channels. Those would be your inputs to the two channel amp.

Hope this helps
I guess what I am asking here is whether or not the system can run two channel, which I prefer, and then turn around and become a surround system when the family wants to watch a movie. My receiver does have copious preouts.
The new Digital amps seem to be best for affordable HT. After that you have to spend a considerable amount to be able to live with without a good 2ch. system that can also provde good HT 5.1.

I am using a Panasonic 45 which seems to fair well.

My experience is a bit dated considering my HT involvement was a few years ago. But, my situation and needs were similar. If your preference for listening to music is 2ch, as opposed to the trend towards multi-channel audio, then your choices may match my experience.

I think my set-up was considered conventional at one time. CD/DVD source, 2ch tubed pre, 2ch ss amp driving main loudspeakers. 5.1 receiver driving center and surrounds, with .1 signal to sub. The source ran fully balanced for 2ch independent stereo. For 5.1, source digital out to receiver, mains pre-out to 2ch pre pass-through to 2ch amp driving mains. My front and center loudspeakers were matching and the surrounds left-overs. 2ch music was my priority and it was very good. Not anywhere near the ultimate for HT, but good enough.

Have fun!
Krell, thanks for the speaker offer, but at this point they are out of my budget range. Are you saying to forget the HT and concentrate on 2 ch.? If so, and I wanted to keep my HK receiver(for the time being), would it be an improvement to buy a 2 channel just for stereo and run us the receiver as a preamp?

Rny---Did you decide to go away from HT to 2 ch. stereo?