First, it is great to hear from the "father" of this Tenor/Kharma 'cult'.
I am intrigued by your suggestion of the Placette RVC ... obviously, the notion of preamp vs. no preamp is quite contentious. Admittedly, I am very new to this high-end spectrum and come to this forum to try to learn from people like you and others. Yet, I am confused as some seem to argue the pre may be one of the most important components in the chain, while others seem more than happy to use a passive volume control like the Placette or the volume control on their CD player. Perhaps, when you get in the league of Tenor/Kharma the preamp is less important and may possibly only take away from the "magic" of the rest of the system. That is interesting, as it may make it easier to swallow buying the Tenor amp, if I can avoid an expensive preamp ! The Placette RVC is only 1000 bucks !
To start with I think I want to audition the emm labs transport/DACC2 for my system, but I would be still interested to hear other suggestions for an alternative preamp or others experiences as well.
Thanks for all of the help so far.
First, it is great to hear from the "father" of this Tenor/Kharma 'cult'.
I am intrigued by your suggestion of the Placette RVC ... obviously, the notion of preamp vs. no preamp is quite contentious. Admittedly, I am very new to this high-end spectrum and come to this forum to try to learn from people like you and others. Yet, I am confused as some seem to argue the pre may be one of the most important components in the chain, while others seem more than happy to use a passive volume control like the Placette or the volume control on their CD player. Perhaps, when you get in the league of Tenor/Kharma the preamp is less important and may possibly only take away from the "magic" of the rest of the system. That is interesting, as it may make it easier to swallow buying the Tenor amp, if I can avoid an expensive preamp ! The Placette RVC is only 1000 bucks !
To start with I think I want to audition the emm labs transport/DACC2 for my system, but I would be still interested to hear other suggestions for an alternative preamp or others experiences as well.
Thanks for all of the help so far.