what preamp for Tenor 150Hps or 300Hp ?

As I consider the possibility of a Tenor 150Hps or 300HP amp to go with one of the lower end Kharma speakers, I wonder what preamps people have found to go well with this combination. I know it has often been shown in combination with the emm labs transport/DAC/pre and many seem to have personal experience with this. I will certainly consider this costly option. Alternatively, I would appreciate other recommendations for an appropriate preamp to consider with using a CD-only player.

Thank you.
Metralla couldn't be more right. Get a good basic system but don't go wild before you have a chance to become accustomed to what you are hearing, and progress from there. Spending many tens of thousands of dollars as a newcomer to the high end may not be wise, as your tastes and priorities may likely change. Walk before you run. Visit a range of high end dealers and audition the equipment in your home if you can before purchasing, and don't put a lot of stock in reviews. Most of all, take your time and don't feel rushed to make decisions.

why am I looking at this gear ?

I guess it could be worse ... other people my age go out and buy a Hummer, Porsche or BMW ... luckily, I can walk to work and we don't need another car ... in my work, I see a lot of crap happen to people unexpectedly sometimes at all too young an age ... therefore, if I can afford it and enjoy it now, why not !
Thom_y, I recommend that you take a look at the Aesthetix Callisto (at the top end of the spectrum) or the Aesthetix Calypso (at the moderate, but still expensive middle of the spectrum). These would be a great match to the system you're contemplating.
I think Thom y has the right idea. If he's got the cash, why waste time and energy? Get the Meitner gear and enjoy!
Thom, you might want to take a step back and reflect upon your reasons for considering such a system. If I may be so superficial as to attach a price tag to such a system, how many systems have you heard which retail for over 100k USD? What differences did you hear between them, which did you prefer, and why? Take some trips to larger cities to hear what's available. Compared with the cost of the components you mention, the cost of airfare and hotel is very small. Enjoy some weekends out of town to do this. Some dealers (ahem :-) offer complimentary accommodations with no strings attached and travel reimbursement upon purchase, which makes it easier to do so. Just my two cents' worth, as I've been down that road you're on years ago and chose to look around for quite a while...it was worth it...
