decent beginner amplifier rec's

Hey all, new audiophile in training..heh.

Going to be purchasing an amplifier for two bookshelf/monitor speakers I am running computer sound through (for production work) and was wondering if there were any of you who would recommend a certain brand or model.

I am not looking to spend a fortune, just want an idea of what some entry level amps would cost/be like.

Thanks, Caleb
How much you looking to spend, and what kind of monitors are you going to be running? Also, what type of music?

You might want to look at some Parasound or Adcom amps if yer on a budget, they give a good bang for the buck
You didn't mention what your bookshelf monitors were, but in any event, I would recommend a used Audio Refinement Complete intergrated amp. They are used for @$500.00.Go for it. You won't be sorry.Power cord for amp, Shunyata Sidewinder Gold,used:$150.00 For a good used CD player, find a Sony DVP NS500V,used: $100.00.Interconnect for Cdp to pre: MAS Black-New: $40.00/pr. Speaker cables: River Cables Flexygy 6,new:$255.00/ 2 meter/pr. There! I just described my beloved bedroom system.
You can find suitable amps for $30 at Target or spend thousands of dollars at a local dealer. If you can give us a better idea of what you're looking, the physical size desired, how often it will be used, are there thermal restrictions involved, what it will be used with in terms of speakers and listening levels, etc..., we might be able to make some usable suggestions. Sean