ARC 100.2 Enough power for Proac 3.8

I am looking for a power amp with plenty of grunt to drive a pair of Proac 3.8's.
Currently they are being driven with an Ayre V-5x which has been kindly lent to me by a friend. It sounds gorgeous by the way, but could use a bit more "slam" in the bottom end. It's damn close to perfect though.
The catch is that I can't afford one of those beasts and have read good things about the 100.2 from ARC. Could this be the beast I am looking for or do I need more power. The Ayre is 150watts and the ARC is 100watts but apparently belies it's output rating. A VT100mkII is also tempting but I'm not so sure about the tube approach.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Well I am finally listening to the 3.8s through the D250MII tube amp. 250 tube watts is really amazing but I'm not sure I want to go with the glowing inferno of bulbs. They really scare the crap out of me an I'm not sure about all the biasing that would be required. I'm thinking the D400mkII but am not sure that it will have the same dynamic slam of the tubes. I have heard that tube power is much different than solid state and I may need a pair of D400's to achieve the same raw power.
With that out of the way I can honestly say that there is no going back and I don't think that the VT100 would ever satisfy my needs. There are just too many times that I want to crank it up, and these Proacs love it.
Alun,did you already purchase d250? great amp!if you didnt,try 300.2 by 100.2,it is tube-like,but with tremendous you,i love pro-ac,but opted for dynaudio.arc is made for pro-ac.try the dilema was the same as yours.with this amp it is solved.finally arc made a sweet sounding amp with great power.only gigital switching at the output.this allows it to have lots of power without digital sound.most natural sounding amp i have owned.remember,i wanted to upgrade from 100.2 but could never find a sonic match.some had more power,but at midrange cost.i heard 300.2 and bought it.magical midrange but with power,and very natural.