I followed up and will probably order some chassis from this fellow (Christian). The price of 100 is rather misleading, though. By the time we get it in the size we need for a dual monaural interstage design (two chassis measuring 17x12x3 ea), in the material we want (copper or stainless steel), and CNC punched the cost is more like 250 to 300 per chassis if bought one at a time. If six or more are purchased the price starts to come down but we do not yet know how much.
We have settled on mirror finish stainless steel and will use it for a two chassis design; it s/b beautiful when done. We will be putting them up for sale once we have a couple of examples ready for sale. Electraprint transformers custom wound for our design will be used; other trannies can be substituted on request. We have a pair of Tango XE20 output trannies, for example, available.
I followed up and will probably order some chassis from this fellow (Christian). The price of 100 is rather misleading, though. By the time we get it in the size we need for a dual monaural interstage design (two chassis measuring 17x12x3 ea), in the material we want (copper or stainless steel), and CNC punched the cost is more like 250 to 300 per chassis if bought one at a time. If six or more are purchased the price starts to come down but we do not yet know how much.
We have settled on mirror finish stainless steel and will use it for a two chassis design; it s/b beautiful when done. We will be putting them up for sale once we have a couple of examples ready for sale. Electraprint transformers custom wound for our design will be used; other trannies can be substituted on request. We have a pair of Tango XE20 output trannies, for example, available.