Greatb to see this thread keep on keepin' on.Would like to know about mods or basic service if anybody has the tip there.Obviously the build quality was there in fisrt place (unlike Adcom who justI think were too big a company to keep quality control reasonable with their (excellent) NP designed "Gold Badge Series".Might have kept the rack if Adcom with it's swell head reviews of it's 41K D/A processor got cute and had a digital INPUT with no output for the CD player.Otherwise a nice inexpensive balanced stack but while i sold them so contatcs for pre go all the time and small issues come up.Nakamichi's 7 and 5 series stuff still seems to be working 20 years down the line.But with the quality and price of the "real" Stasis gear one would want to knwo if any can't be repaired for lack of parts and even if not the case who to send them to.Leads?Still may end up with a Sonic Frontiers pre and Threshold yet though as time goe on with good digital like Bel Canto and PS Audio and companies like Plinius,Nuforce,and current darling Parasound are out there.Not to mention high quality hybrids like Pathos and Unico though these maybe the bedroom set and not worthy of comparison with large hi-current amps.Choices like freedom can be a bitch but you'd rather have them than not.But repair and upkeep tips fopr anybody still reading post would be appreciated.