Whats the krell sound?

Have heard the above mentioned in either love it or hate it. Whats to love and whats to hate?

thanks(i think :))
Thanks for all the feedback. Im closing in on a used KAV 250A.
Ive been reading up on RCA vs XLR. Can anyone tell me if that am is truly balanced? Trying to determin if i should order some xlrs or new rcas. Im using a cary 303/200cdp for a direct source(im pretty suer its balanced.
I'll be the last to suggest that associated equipment and listening room acoustics don't play a major role in one's
evaluation of a particular component. It's foolish to think otherwise!

The fact remains, however, that this obsessive hobby is purely subjective, meaning that the original premise ("The Krell sound---love it/hate it?")is, itself, moot.

What I (and, apparently, Theo) consider "bright" may be considered "mellow" to another listener, and "dull" to yet another. So what else is new?

I would also suggest that there may well be substantial differences within the Krell family of componentry.
I have only heard the krell 300il integrated and to be honest...I have to agree with the "bright" statements...however, I understand that the sonic difference between the integrateds and Krells "real" amps is night and day...as is the price.

just my 2c


Perhaps you've hit on the problem I had: my Krell was the, I believe, KAV300i(?). It's been a few years, so I'm not sure of the proper number, but it was an integrated.

I suppose this doesn't qualify as a "real" Krell. So be it. It was, however, an unpleasant enough experience that I've had no desire to try another example of that brand. I can't even mitigate my opinion by citing build quality, etc.: one of the RCA connectors actually liked the interconnect so much that it detached itself from the backplate!
The latest Krell "Class A" FPB amps - the ones with the "x"
suffix - are somewhat of a departure from the classic Krell

They are much sweeter than their predecessors.

I also agree that the "Krell sound" is very system dependent.

If you have speakers that need and can really use the high
current / high power capability of the Krells - like ribbon
speakers - then these amps really come into their own.

Dr.Gregory Greenman