"Cinematic_systems: I know you are a dealer and you should disclose this in your posting". Jtinn
"Sean: You must be kidding. Haven't we been down this road before? I really think you should rescind your statements and let sleeping dogs lay". Jtinn
Jtinn: You chastise Cinematic Systems for not disclosing that he is a dealer, yet you do the same thing with most every one of your posts. On top of that, the name that he posts under pretty much gives away the fact that he's a dealer while the use of your personal name doesn't. Unless someone is VERY familiar this forum, is an industry insider or read your reponse to the darTZeel review in Stereophile, one would assume that you were simply a normal joe rather than an industry professional that was directly involved with the productS ( darTZeel, Tenor ) being discussed. As such, fix the blatant holes in your glass house before you start condemning others for having leaky windows.
On top of that, i think that this has been discussed and dealt with over at AA. Why it is still taking place here at Agon, i don't know. From what i've been told, your "planted customer responses" weren't welcomed at AA and you were told that this wasn't acceptable behavior from a dealer.
Once again, i would request that Agon set up some type of identification program for dealers, distributors, manufacturers, reviewers and other industry professionals. While many industry professionals identify themselves on every post and / or make their affiliations known as the situation arises, some lack the scruples and / or self-discipline to do so.
As mentioned, not everyone knows who's who in the industry and there are new people joining the various audiophile forums day by day. This would allow them to sort through the potential hype of someone trying to push a product for monetary gain and / or benefits as compared to an avid enthusiast who is simply sharing their thoughts / ideas / experiences with no financial gains or risks to be had. Why Audiogon won't install such a system into the forums, i don't know. It's surely been discussed long enough and many enough times to know that it is needed. Sean
"Sean: You must be kidding. Haven't we been down this road before? I really think you should rescind your statements and let sleeping dogs lay". Jtinn
Jtinn: You chastise Cinematic Systems for not disclosing that he is a dealer, yet you do the same thing with most every one of your posts. On top of that, the name that he posts under pretty much gives away the fact that he's a dealer while the use of your personal name doesn't. Unless someone is VERY familiar this forum, is an industry insider or read your reponse to the darTZeel review in Stereophile, one would assume that you were simply a normal joe rather than an industry professional that was directly involved with the productS ( darTZeel, Tenor ) being discussed. As such, fix the blatant holes in your glass house before you start condemning others for having leaky windows.
On top of that, i think that this has been discussed and dealt with over at AA. Why it is still taking place here at Agon, i don't know. From what i've been told, your "planted customer responses" weren't welcomed at AA and you were told that this wasn't acceptable behavior from a dealer.
Once again, i would request that Agon set up some type of identification program for dealers, distributors, manufacturers, reviewers and other industry professionals. While many industry professionals identify themselves on every post and / or make their affiliations known as the situation arises, some lack the scruples and / or self-discipline to do so.
As mentioned, not everyone knows who's who in the industry and there are new people joining the various audiophile forums day by day. This would allow them to sort through the potential hype of someone trying to push a product for monetary gain and / or benefits as compared to an avid enthusiast who is simply sharing their thoughts / ideas / experiences with no financial gains or risks to be had. Why Audiogon won't install such a system into the forums, i don't know. It's surely been discussed long enough and many enough times to know that it is needed. Sean