I need more cowbell....

looking for opinions on where I should go next for an upgrade. I am generally happy with my current setup, just looking for a tad more, maybe to get closer to live music. My current setup is:

Meridian 200 transport with Synergistic Master PC
Meridian 563 DAC with SR Master PC
conrad johnson premier 14 - stock GE tubes
Classe CA 200 with PS Audio Extreme Statement PC
Thiel 3.6 on audiopoints
Illuminati D60 digital IC
MIT 350 SG EVO dac to preamp
MIT 350 reference preamp to amp
MIT Magnum 2 speaker cables
Dedicated 20 amp lines
Target rack and amp stand

The sound is very non-fatguing, layered and transparant when the recording calls for it. Room is fairly neutral, large, concrete slab, it's only partially finished so there's not alot I can do. I'm luckey I have alot of room so the speakers are 10.5 feet apart which really lets them breathe. I'm thinking amp? Preamp, frontend? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Aroc - I can't believe you pulled out Bruce Dickenson! That's impressive!!!!
I'd go for an Audio research LS-16 Mk II (or if your really feeling like a sport, the LS-25 Mk II) coupled to a Plinius SA-102. I've listened to CJ preamps and never liked them. Also, I bought a Classe CA-300 and stashed my ARC Classic 60 in the closet.
A few months went by and I was auditioning some new speakers. I wondered how they would sound through the CL-60. I hooked 'em up and the difference blew me away.
The Classe went back to dealer and the CL-60 was back to stay (until the VT-100 came out).
I'd recommend tubes but almost everyone agrees your 3.6s need SS.
Pops, you just made my night... I came home from work, pulled up Agon and saw this post. You gotta' love this hobby!
Try a Naim CD player, that'll get the system going. They're alive, I tell ya.

Way back when, I compared my Naim CD3.5 against the Meridian 508.24. I found the Meridian put a sheen on the music. It was beautiful with classical, especially choir, but the Naim beat it on presence and rhythm.

Good luck.