I need more cowbell....

looking for opinions on where I should go next for an upgrade. I am generally happy with my current setup, just looking for a tad more, maybe to get closer to live music. My current setup is:

Meridian 200 transport with Synergistic Master PC
Meridian 563 DAC with SR Master PC
conrad johnson premier 14 - stock GE tubes
Classe CA 200 with PS Audio Extreme Statement PC
Thiel 3.6 on audiopoints
Illuminati D60 digital IC
MIT 350 SG EVO dac to preamp
MIT 350 reference preamp to amp
MIT Magnum 2 speaker cables
Dedicated 20 amp lines
Target rack and amp stand

The sound is very non-fatguing, layered and transparant when the recording calls for it. Room is fairly neutral, large, concrete slab, it's only partially finished so there's not alot I can do. I'm luckey I have alot of room so the speakers are 10.5 feet apart which really lets them breathe. I'm thinking amp? Preamp, frontend? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you're are pretty happy with your system as it is now, leave well enough alone. It looks like you're playing a pretty balanced game of "complimentary colourations" from what i can see here. Either that or get ready for a LOT more experimentation and purchasing. I think that if you change one aspect of operation in this system, you would then find that you have another potential problem. Sean
My suggestion: Get a better rack (e.g. the GPA Monaco) and try a really good power conditioner (I like my BPT 3.5 Signature). The combination of these 2 items pushed my system from 'very good' to 'outstanding'.
Calanctus is right on the money regarding his two suggestions for a performance-oriented racking system and line conditioners.

But as critical as his suggestions are, it should not necessarily negate the need to replace that very subdued preamp.

With such a preamp as this, you may not even notice the tremendous benefits that a good racking system and line conditioners will provide.

A certain caliber of equipment is required to maximize the the tremendous benefits of a racking system and line conditioners and vice versa.

I put my system together one component at a time, just like you. Only, when mine's finished, it plays gold records.
Matt8268 - Classic!

Sean - good point, I think your right.

Maybe a new preamp, I'll start researching...any suggestions besides ARC, I do think I would stick with tubes. Although, what about spectral? You don't see much on the A'Gon about Spectral.

I did have silver IC's for a while, KCAG and KCTG. They worked really well but could get a little glare going on some music.

Thanks for the advice.