Plinius SA250 or Gamut D200


I'm looking for others opinion on these 2 amps, I have heard the Gamut D200 with the Dynaudio 1.3SE and found it to be very neutral but laking warmth that I'm used to, I'm also thinking of the Plinius SA250 as it is a Class A amp and it gives me the impression that it would have the warmth I'm looking for.

Please tell me what you think both of them?

Hi Cytocycle,

I'm using Star Sound Tech Sonoran(Copper) Cables, I cant put the speakers further into the room for various reasons right now its about 3'feet from the back wall and 2'feet from the side wall and my room size is about 12W*24L*8H.

I have'nt filled my speaker stands or installed spikes between the stands and the speakers, the whole presentation of the music is too distant, I'm going to fill the stands with lead-shots and see if makes a difference.

Is there anything else I can do or is it best to change my amp?

You could expect some improvement in clarity by filling the stands, but I agree with your assumption that the CJ 2500 is the problem. I owned one and just couldn't find enough excitement in it. My recommendation is to stick with your plan to replace it. The tweaks that have been suggested are good ones but they won't overcome the problem of a laid back amp.
Hi Skipperrik,

What SS do you recommend a Gamut,Plinius(Class A) or something else I'm looking for balanced sound with a little warmth.

Now I use gamut d200 mk3 with meridian 508.24 and they sound fenomenal- better than others amplifiers like mccormack dna 1 dlx, AR vt100 mk2 that I use before.
the speakers are SF guarniere and the pre is BAT VK5i .