Calling all First Sound Preamp Owners

For those First Sound preamp owners, I'd like to know if you feel that using a line conditioner with it (either a power regenerator or passive filter) is superior to using just a power cord plugged directly into the wall socket, albiet a high quality power cord? I'm trying to decide which way to go and would appreciate your comments.

In case you were wondering, I bought an Audience PowerChord (4ft) for my First Sound preamp and an Audience AU24 interconnect between my Audio Aero CDP and First Sound and it all sound marvelous, especially when my VTL St-150 amp is in Tetrode mode (more air around the instruments, better soundstage etc.).

I expect to buy another Audience powercord and interconnect for the amp and between pre & amp.

Kevin, if you buy the KT-88s from VTL, make sure their tube warranty applies if you are using a non-VTL preamp.
Brooksl - interesting note on voided tube warantee if non-VTL preamp is used . . . I spoke with Bea at VTL and her KT88 tube prices are not competitive with what I can get from a local Toronto supplier at so I don't think tube warantee will apply. But thanks for the heads up in any case.

Are you using VTL stuff?

Interestingly, I was just about to post a question regarding the First Sound Deluxe preamp and line conditioners. I've had my FS (which I LOVE) for about 4 months, but after 1 month I started to hear clicking and popping sounds (bad tubes?). I replaced the tubes on my headphone amp (an Earmax Pro) but that didn't help and was now wondering if maybe the noise is due to my having the FS plugged into a BPT line conditioner. Bottom line, I would stay away from the line conditioner and plug the FS directly into the wall.
Kevinzoe, I owned a pair of MB-450 Sigs.. Also, I have a FS preamp.. I have found that I like it better plugged into my BPT 3.5. However, I do not have dedicated lines. When I get them installed, I will check again.