What makes a system compelling?

I have experienced some systems that on face value have detail, and dynamics, and great bass, etc. etc., yet are just plain boring to listen to. What are the qualities that keep you planted in the sweet spot pulling out one disc after another. Can this be identified during demos, or does it take time, living with a system to see if it works?
I've never heard this level of sonics in any store's demo listening rooms. But then again, when you think about it, the sound you describe is rarely heard anywhere. Period.

Far and away, the biggest factor (yes everything is a factor) toward achieving this level is the amplifier. If one fails at that purchase, they are doomed to mediocre sonics at best.

Get the amplifier part right, and you're out the starting gate in the right direction and everything else toward achieving that level of sonics becomes easier and easier but still takes time. Get it wrong and there's no hope.

And with my limited experience, I am of the opinion that finding an amplifier that exemplifies sonic superiority top to bottom, etc., etc., is truly like finding a needle in a haystack.

Amps of this caliber are rare but they do exist, but one has to know what they are looking for. Or at least recognize it when they hear it.

The next factor toward achieving this level is proper line-conditioning and addressing the AC electrical. I say proper line-conditioning because in my limited experience and research, this too is like finding a needle in a haystack.

-IMO (of course)
Compelling is the unearthing of sonic memories that elicited strong emotional responses. It does take time to identify such a system. Ask the salesman at the shop with the best systems. He will tell you what he listens to when the customers are gone. This is likely the path to nirvana. It was for me.
Music reproduction systems are neither boring or exciting, they are simply tools used to arrive at a musical satisfying end. A system can only detract from the musical performance. Those that detract the least are the best. Does a Formula 1 driver really think his new tires are compelling or are they just raw materials that will help him win the race?
I think it is the emotional impact. To me, a great system has you tapping your foot, fingers, etc, and can even bring you to your feet clapping at the end! That's what does it for me - feeling the rhythm and pulse of the music. Technically, a system doesn't have to be expensive, but it does have to do several things right - synergy is the key. I have to agree with Stehno that good power conditioning is crucial to achieving this, because without it it's difficult to hear the subtle energy changes that give music its impact - IMHO.
It takes time and experimentation. After tons of gear both tube and solid state, I must say ARC tube gear sounds most musical...especially the new more inexpensive stuff I.E...VS110 and SP16L. when combined with let's say a Sony ES SACD player and good cables you can have a dream system worth drooling over!!