What makes a system compelling?

I have experienced some systems that on face value have detail, and dynamics, and great bass, etc. etc., yet are just plain boring to listen to. What are the qualities that keep you planted in the sweet spot pulling out one disc after another. Can this be identified during demos, or does it take time, living with a system to see if it works?
Music reproduction systems are neither boring or exciting, they are simply tools used to arrive at a musical satisfying end. A system can only detract from the musical performance. Those that detract the least are the best. Does a Formula 1 driver really think his new tires are compelling or are they just raw materials that will help him win the race?
I think it is the emotional impact. To me, a great system has you tapping your foot, fingers, etc, and can even bring you to your feet clapping at the end! That's what does it for me - feeling the rhythm and pulse of the music. Technically, a system doesn't have to be expensive, but it does have to do several things right - synergy is the key. I have to agree with Stehno that good power conditioning is crucial to achieving this, because without it it's difficult to hear the subtle energy changes that give music its impact - IMHO.
It takes time and experimentation. After tons of gear both tube and solid state, I must say ARC tube gear sounds most musical...especially the new more inexpensive stuff I.E...VS110 and SP16L. when combined with let's say a Sony ES SACD player and good cables you can have a dream system worth drooling over!!
I know that enough beer makes my system pretty compelling. In fact, here soon i will be heading home to some Coors and Nick Cave. ;)

I wonder if there is a point where the system gets too accurate. Kinda like a photograph. A good photo is very detailed and accurate and can be very pleasing, but i think alot of the time a well done painting is more interesting and striking.

Maybe that is why the tubefanatics like thier distorted-ass tubes over the technically superior solid state gear, cause it makes the music more interesting. Maybe they are not as accurate, but they paint a beautiful sonic picture.

Now, im on my way to Mexico before the tub-fans get a look at this thread and decide to storm my house with pitchforks and torches!

seriously tho,
ive really been toying with the idea of getting a small tube-setup in the future for a bedroom system. My roomate has a 59 Les Paul with a tube headamp, and it sounds pretty sweet. ;)

now yer thinking.... did slappy insult tubes? or did he give them praise?
things that make you go "hmmm"

a magic midrange. imo tubes yield that better than solidstate. you need to able able to connect with the music. midrange, transparent,rhythm, PRaT, dynamics, etc. bass slam and detail extraction alone will not get you there.