YBA DT integrated vs. Musical Fidelity A308

Any thoughts on the YBA vs. the A308?
Would be used with one of the following speakers:
Audio Physic Virgo III
Dynaudio Special 25
JM Labs Micro Utopia Be

At present I am leaning to the YBA, but mainly because it is smaller (I move a lot).

Also if anyone else has rec in the price range, let it be from the EU.
Typical Warrenh post, nothing new here! This is old! Have you tried every 50 watt amp available to continually claim it the best? Not to mention, the best in every situation.

come on Brian! it's just an expression. mighty sensitive this morning. skin as thin as ever. let me rephrase that for Brian's sake as well as other audiophools who will take exception. The Integre is one killer integrated that will hold its' own against amps costing the same and much more. How's that? peace, warren
Warren, I admit my response was agreesive. Your post was a copy of many we could cut and paste from your past posts. Furthermore it tells the poster nothing at the same time it alienates all other posts, by saying "no question", yet no experience other than YOU owned one for 7 years. You repeatedly make the bold statement that it is "50 of the best SS watts at just about any price", my question is, how do you know? While I don't doubt it may be a very good unit, I doubt the claim.

Just an expression, I don't think so, anyone who has used Audiogon for a year could quote one of your posts.

As long as thin skin is an issue, feel free to call yourself an audiophool, not others.

"warren I admit my repsonse was agressive." Case closed. Is that justification for, me, or for you?....thin skin? How 'bout onion skin?...gee I forgot why I was taking a little break from the 'gon. You just reminded me...peace, warren
We noticed you were gone too!!!

As for justification, I need none, I meant what I said, maybe could of said it differently. As for thin skin, it doesn't even make sense in this instance.