Need help w/ B&W CM2

Looking for advice to help tame that harshness that comes with bright recordings, top hats, crashy cymbols, and pronounced 's' sounds in voice. My friend is using the B&W CM2s and NADc370. I know a large part of the problem is the metal dome tweeter, but he'd like to try some different amps before giving up on the B&W's (they look too damn good). Price range should be around $500 used (could probably go higher but lets start slow) and ultimate volume is not a big issue since they are only occationally played loud (the 370 was overkill). A remote control is preferred but not necessary. I was thinking tubes- Cary, Jolida? hybrid -Jolida 1501? SS- Rega, Linn, Musical Fidelity? I have no idea what is a good synergistic match w/ B&W. I've heard both arcam and rotel with B&W and noticed some harshness with those as well. Please help!!!
I have the CDM 1nt's that I originally ran through an old NAD 7220PE receiver. I then switched to a Bryston B-60 that I loved, but as you say, there was a bit of harshness on some recordings...especially classic rock such as Hendrix or Zeppelin. However, for music like Madonna, NIN, Beastie Boys and other pop music, the high's were wonderful. I recently switched to an Electrocompaniet ECI-3 and now, Hendrix sounds does jazz & windham hill music (haven't put classical to the test yet) however, the zing from the "pop" music is less and I feel like there is a little something missing in the top end. It is supposedly a tubey sounding unit. The Cary integrated will be way above the $500 limit that you want to spend. The Bryston will run about 6-800 w/o remote 200 or so more with...and they do have an incredible warranty. the Electrocompaniet will run 1000-1200 (I thought the price differential here was worth it) probably out of the range. Two amps that were initially suggested to me were the Audio Analogue Puccini and the Audio Refinement Complete...and there looks like there are some for sale now...I've never heard them so I can't make any real comments, but one may work...if won't lose much if anything on the the $500-$800 price range, there are alot of options that can be bought and sold. I would check out a few of these "musical" ss integrateds before going tubes, because if you get the urge to start "tube rolling", that inexpensive Jolida will all of the sudden become alot more than 500 bucks.

just my nickles worth.

1. There are much better speakers in the price range than CM2. No matter what amplification you use or cables you can't can't can't make honey from ...
2. If you add a-bit to your budget you may go for a pair of Totem Mite or Totem Dreamcatcher.
Audiobugged- I will definatly try the cable/interconnect route, but I want to change the amp first then fine tune. I'm looking for changes that a non-audiophile friend would notice right away.

Ellery911- Great suggestions, I've never even heard of Audio Analogue or Audio Refinement, I'll certainly look into those.

So far my list is as follows:

Audio Analogue Puccini
Audio Refinement Complete
Linn Majik
Jolida 1501RC

Pop, Jazz & classical are not big on the playlist, alot of Dylan and Dead, and some rock, both modern and classic mostly. Do any of these do well with poorly recorded material? Any experience, particularly with B&W speakers and these amps is greatly appreciated.
I agree that the first step is to launch the NAD amplification out the window. Sorry, but I have never heard an NAD amp that I liked and they all have the same problem you are talking about, in addition to other worse problems. I have heard the CM 2's on several occasions and in my opinion, the metal dome tweeter is just fine. These speakers have some other more subtle problems, but an etchy high register is not one of them. My recommendation is to look into amp, cables and source.

I have had good luck with the Acoustice Zen Epoch speaker cables and WOW interconnects. These smoothed out some etchy highs that some other cables produced in my old system.

As for an amp around $500 that has a less etchy sound, you may try a newer model (last 2-3 years) B&K integrated. This is the best I've heard at this price range (used), but it may still not be enough. I have heard some Linn amps that are very good, but I think they may sound best with Linn speakers using the AKTIV crossover. I don't think the Rotel should sound terribly harsh with the right cables, but I have not heard many of their recent offerings. I recently heard an Audio Refinement preamp/amp combo and was very impressed with the smoothness of the sound. The system was using Analysis Plus Oval 9 cables and similar interconnects. However, this system was also fed with a good source:

Even after an amp and cable change you may end up looking at the source. The system with the Audio Refinement amplification was fed by a McCormack UDP-1 universal disk player. What a GREAT system, but the disk player itself was over $3000. My own older system had a Magnum-Dynalab MD-308 integrated amp and the Acoustic Zen cables I mentioned earlier. The sound in the higher registers was still etchy on some (definitely not all) poorly recorded CD's, but I believe this was the fault of the source, a Denon DVD-2900 universal disk player and of the original recording. While detailed, the Denon was just not as refined as the rest of the system. The McCormack UDP-1 would likely have made a huge difference in the sound, but at a much higher price.

P.S. I am selling the MD-308 for just over $1000 if anyone is interested