Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC

I own a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC that I like a lot but heard my friends system with the Bricasti M1 and I am strongly thinking of changing my DAC and would love your feedback from other members that have heard either or both. I know they are both great but really thinking of changing my Dac from PS Audio Direct Stream to the Bricasti M1 DAC. I use a HP Desk top computer as source with Jplay and JRiver Media 19 and the outstanding Tellurium Q BLACK DIAMOND Reference USB Cable. The rest of my system is below. I listen to Classic Rock, jazz, vocal, some modern music and the usual audiophile stuff.


My system for reference.

Ascendo C-8 Renaissance Speakers (Germany) Monitor
Purist Audio Design Corvus Praesto Revision 2.5m Bi-Wire Speaker cable
Cardas Clear Interconnect 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Darwin TRUTH Pure Silver Reference 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Darwin TRUTH Pure Silver Reference 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Audio Research REFERENCE 1 w/Rhodium IEC/NOS Tubes Tube preamp
Decware ZSTAGE External Triode Output StageTelefunken ECC801S
PS Audio Direct Stream DSD DAC w/ Bridge DA converter
Tellurium Q BLACK DIAMOND Reference USB Cable
PS Audio PerfectWave PowerBase Vibration Cancelation/AC Condtioner
Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono's 140 Watts Tung-Sol KT120's amps
PS Audio PowerPlant Premier AC Regenerator
BMI Shark Pure Jeweler Grade Platinum AC Power Cable
Sablon Audio Petite Corona 2.0M AC Power Cable
Mad Scientist PC-NEO with Power Purifier AC Power Cable
JPS Labs The Power AC+ 2M AC Power Cable
Synergistic Research Labs Tesla Series SE T1 AC Power Cable
Synergistic Research Labs Tesla Series T1 AC Power Cable
PS Audio Noise Harvester (5) Converts noise to light
OYAIDE RI Beryllium Power Outlets (2)
Hubbell Outlet 5362/5262 Deep Cryo Process
Blue Circle Audio The Yalu Balula Industrial Surge/Spike Protection
JPLAY v5.2 hi-end audio player turns PC into a digital transport.
JRiver Media Center 19 Music Software
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Yes, the Yale firmware is their latest and currently in beta testing. Anyone can download and try it. Most users feel it's their best yet, but of course there's never a unanimous opinion.
Thank you. I will try it. Pikes Peak is a bit too sharp and overly detailed for my tastes.


I am sure you could make the Bricasti sound more toward your liking but " making it way, way better" I am not buying it.

There is a lot more going on at this level of product than just throwing some top shelf parts at it. I guarantee that!

Tweak the sound to work better with your speakers in your system sure but it is a very accurate DAC, well executed that sounds very good. Now I do believe many products can be improved with modding. I have seen it and done it and appreciate it and I don't doubt the Bricasti or any audio product can be improved with modding. Brian makes one of the best pro Reverbs on the planet for pro studios and he offers inexpensive upgrades frequently but he offers genuine, accurate, universal upgrades that sound and measure excellent. I can tell you that many people on this site spend more on power cables than on a Bricasti DAC and resale is not stopping these folks that I am sure of.

Regardless of what one guy said I will take the sound of the wonderful MSB Analog DAC 1,000 out of 1,000 times over any modded schiit DAC regardless...

Sorry but that company doesn't even beat out the better 2k to $3k DACs out there never mind the fabulous MSB Analog DAC... I get it your trying to get their name out there that's fine but let that DAC beat out the others in its price range first then talk about mods...I would find a deal on a nice and clean, used DirectStream for not that much more than one of these Schiits and it will Blow its Doors off!!!!
The person who had the bone stock Yggy burned it in and A/Bed with the fully burned in MSB Analog DAC. He uses the top of the line Coincident speakers, preamp and amp and a bunch of $4700 Hi Fidelity cables.....a very revealing system.....he said the Yggy was just as don't believe him? I believe what you say about what you hear when you A/B. He has no agenda....he sold the Yggy because it was not as musical....but he would not try any of the mods that I suggested because he was to fearful. So far the stock Yggy has beaten all DACs it has been A/Bed with except that MSB and a $10,000 TotalDAC......but these guys did not listen to the simple but very transforming mods that my friend did to his Yggy and shown on my site. And these mods are just the beginning!!!!! But fear will keep most (99.9%) from doing these mods. Men are so stodgy....wish there were more woman in this game...they would be more experimental and open.

Anything can be modded to sound much, much better...Never saw a compenent that was as good as possible stock. I am not the only one who could do this.....there are lots of serious tweakers out there.

How do you know a Directstream will "blow the doors off" the stock Yggy let alone a modded one when you have never heard one......sounds like you are very, very scared. The fear of runs us all. I prefer the "lets see what we can do with this to make it super" mode myself. A lot more fun!

Please give up the fear....enjoy the ride. If the modded Yggy turns out to be much better than the stock Bricasti then you could sell the Bricasti for much more than a modded Yggy would cost....then there is no fact, you would pocket some money. There is no end to this game....whatever product (especially digital) you covet today will eventually be yesterdays toy....."Who wants yesterdays papers?....who want yesterdays girl(DAC)? body in the world".....please sing too. Its all dust in the wind. We are eternal love. We are not our toys.....they are just tools to experience more love. The tools change....the love remains...always.
JH901, ask ALRainbow. He has 2 Lampi B7s (one is a Headdac) and a MSB Platinum stack and a DS. I think he plans to get a Golden Gate HeadDac in the future

I did read that he said Yale bested Pikes Peak!