Problem on Sonic Frontiers Line 3

I am looking for international help for a problem of my lovely Line 3. When My Line 3 is on and the music don't play I can turn the volume knob until 95,5 db and all is OK, but if the music play when I turn the volume knob over 81 db the pre goes in stand bye and the red led protection on board is on. Somebody have experince about a damage like this. I live in Italy and could be aproblem to send the unit in Canada

Regards Fabio
Is your room a huge concert hall until you have to crank up the volume till 81db? That is very loud! Frankly I haven't turned up my Line 1 past 70dB. You must have played the music too loud that caused this to happen, I may be wrong. Sorry I can't be of any help.

Suspect bad tube first and try different ones...
If problem's still there, I'm sure that in Italy plenty of manufacturers of a tube equipment that could also troubleshoot your amp.
Yes, many technicians in Italy to fix this problem. I have a guy who rides up on a motorcycle with tools on backpack and fixes my equipment. (my beloved dog blew up my beloved amp by stepping on speaker wire and shorting leads).