What 5ch or 3/2 to match Aragon 8008bb?

Hi everyone, I'm hoping to solicit your advice; I'm having a hard time finding any answers to this question.

I'm picking up an 8008bb Aragon for my mains, but i'm running a 7.1 system, and need to get amplification that will match well with the 'bb'.

Any suggestions? I've heard the acurus a200x5 is voiced similarly; and I've thought an 8008x3 for the center and 2 side surrounds, with a cheap amp for the rear surrounds might work as well...

I'd like to keep it around $2k total if I can, but I'm not sure if that's possible.

Thanks for any advice you can give!

I've read that the current Aragon.Klipsch offerings are not nearly what the Mondial made amps were; am I incorrect in that assumption?
Hi Kincade
I think you've answered half of your own question. My system, at one point, was the system you are considering. I used to run my mains with the 8008BB. (a great amp for the $$.) I am still using the 8008x3 for my center and rear channels. Those 2 amps DO match up extremely well. Deffinitely get yourself the 8008x3. They can be gotten for approx $1350 here on AgoN. . Your final 2 channels can be taken care of with an Acurus A250 ( I used this before I upgradded to the 8008BB) or an Acurus A200 either of these amps can be purchased on AgoN for $600 or less. Since they all come from the same family they will (do) all have similar sonic signatures. Your system will match extremely well, assuming that your speakers are all well matched to each other. On top of that, your amps will basically be"bullet proof". Hope this helps.
Sorry for butting in again. :) NO you are not incorrect in your assumption of the Klipsch/Aragon amps. The older Aragon/Acurus amps of the mid to late '90's is the way to go. Just my 2 cents.
Oh man, you're not butting in! I'm LOOKING for advice!

I actually purchased a Sherbourn 7.2100, and haven't even taken it out of the box yet. I just was thinking that I might as well try to get into a better amp if I'm able, so that I don't have to worry about this for a while yet.

So basically I can go with either this route:

8008BB for mains (8008st as an alternative) - $1150 ish
8008x3 for the center and 2 surrounds - $1350 ish
Acurus A250 or 200 for rear surrounds - $600 ish
Total cost of $3100

OR, go with an 8008BB for the mains - $1150ish
And 8008x5 for the other 5 - $2000 ish

Either way I'm in about $3k...

Is either preferable?

I keep reading about the 4004 series too, but I can't find much info about them.

On another note; how are these amps triggered? do the autosense the signal, have a 12v trigger, or do I have to manually turn them on? I can't find the info on the klipsch website anywhere.

Thanks for all the advice!
I don't know why many seem to think the new Aragon amps are not as good as the old. Internally, they're all still the same; only the outer cosmetics are different. Having owned both(still have an 8002 and 8008BB), the Acurus products don't have anywhere near the dynamics and lower noise floor of the Aragon products. I even bi-amped a pair of Paradigm Eclips/BP's with 2 Acurus A200 amps, then switched to the 8002- the 8002 was far superior in every way, all by itself.
Stick to the 8008x5.