What's under your Classe Omega, or other big amp?


I have a Classe Omega amp - the 250 lbs. Stereo version. My system is in the basement, thus berber on pad on concrete. So far I have it siting on the carpet.

I'm thinking points to replace the amp's feet, then direct on the carpet through to the concrete. Or, on a piece of butcher block (or some hardwood) or granite. And the granite or wood flat on the carpet with the pointed amp on top. Or points under the wood or granite as well.

Any thoughts or suggestions? What are you using?

I have used a number of items under my Krell monoblocks, both individually and in combinations (bearings, spikes, amp stands, vibrapods, etc), and, in my system, just heavy brass cones/feet perform the best. There is more seperation and air around elements within the soundstage, and a much tighter focus to the sound. Bearings had less air and the elements in the soundstage were less dense; vibrapods were even less so.

As with squidboyw I have tried stands and other devices, but under my 200lb Krell amp I use brass cones. I have been very happy with the results.
I've tried ton's of things under my BAT VK75se. Home made maple stand, then with Symposium Roller blocks, DH Super cones and squares.

What worked best was a custom made Sound Anchor Stand. Really cleaned up the sound (more detail-focus), lowered the noise floor, extended the bass. Cost me about $250 I think.

Now, I do have a Symposium Ultra stand under my TT. I'll second what Ipy said. They are pretty good...
Nrchy, Squidboyw

I'd like to try the brass cones. Which cones would you recommend?


My listening room is also a basement setup like yours except I don't have a pad under the berber. I don't have an Omega but I do have a pair of 301's. They're currently sitting on amp stands that have spike feet. Coupling to the concrete pad is the way to go.