Besides Audio, what other ''passion'' do you have?

I have often wondered what other interests other audiophiles thrive on. Cars? Wine? model plane building? Baseball cards? Camping? Let's hear it ! As for me, it's mainly kept in the ''audio'' family. Piano and guitar (accoustic) although I am finding myself surprisingly interested in electric guitar magazines, and finding out that ''every guitar and amp combination has a tone, and that the pursuit of ''tone'' is the ultimate quest, not unlike our never-ending quest for the perfect sound I guess, as an audiophile. Interestingly enough, I'm also finding out that most self-respecting guitar player will use a tube amplifier, while the solid state camp will use solid state in ''modelling'' amps, amps that duplicate the sound of other famous amplifiers all in one ( Vox, Marshall, Fender and more). Now there's a community where the tube vs solid state discussion doesn't last long, in fact it's no contest... What's YOUR other hobby or interest ?
My wife and family foremost. My lesser passions include; my career in science, playing music (percussion instruments), listening to live and recorded music, martial arts (Aikido), reading for pleasure, electronics, cooking, and gardening.
Flying: Power & sailplanes
Shooting pistol & bow/arrow
Trumpet & guitar
R/C model A/C building & flying
Fine wine & food
Candy M. My day does not feel complete unless I have at least spoken to her on the phone. When I see her, I just do not how to explain the feeling I get. She is easily my best friend and a person I love without reason or qualifications. My godson,Nicholas-he knows everything, is a genius and tyrant, and I am in awe of most everything he does. Then, there is music and histories, which somehow seem intermingled in the way I relate to them.Audio is not really a passion for me as much as something that puzzles me. I love its designs.I love that it does not work without the human element. I wish my greatest passion was being humble, asking questions and really pausing to listen. This is something I have to actively work on though
I love reading(politics, fiction thou), computers, tweaking my car, and watching movies.