Tube Amp Suggestions

I have had the audio affliction for about 10 years. I am finally ready to venture into the world of tube amps and would appreciate any ideas my fellow audiophiles might have. My current set up is theta basic II with a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs aleph 5 and audio physic virgo II speakers. All wiring is tara labs air 1. Budget is $2,000 to 3,000 new or used.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Slay? in what way?
Define 'good sounding'.

It is actually more difficult to design a distortion free solid state amp than a tube design. It makes you wonder why it is more difficult to find tube amps with tolerable levels of distortion.

But then so many are more interested in how their system sounds than in listening to the actual music, which would lead one to aspire to hear it accurately: as played by the musicians in whichever environment.

Oh, well. To each his or her own, I suppose.
A wise man once said, ' most error is the result of a false premise, carelessly assumed, then building on that premise'.

You do not know what I have listened to. Yet you proceed as though you did, then presume to have made a convincing argument.

At any rate, my view is based on levels of distortion produced by a component, which is measurable. Not how it 'sounds'. I prefer it have no sound of its own since it is distortion that you hear even though many have very definate tastes for various specific characteristics of distortion, often described in affectionate and poetic terms.

I have no argument with these 'connoisserus of coloration', and certainly no interest in debating their subjective tastes for the 'sound' they like. I want to hear the music. As accurately, and live like, as possible.

Have I not been clear about that?
At any rate, my view is based on levels of distortion produced by a component, which is measurable. Not how it 'sounds'.
That's enough for me to doubt your credibility and seriously wonder who moved the rock and set you free. I trust my ears, I have/do listen to a lot of live music and have since I was 7 years old and do the best job at selecting components that get me as close to "live" sound as possible- and quite frankly the specs. mean very little to me.

BTW you can have a low distortion amp that is very colored, I don't see how you could infer that the two are directly related.
Didactically, how willing are you to learn something new? The link below is to a fellow's Masters thesis which seeks to correlate measurement data to what we hear.
I am not interested in learning something 'new'. 'THere is nothing new under the sun.' I am interested in learning someing 'true'.

BTW you do not think that because it is a 'Masters thesis' that it is true, do you? The President went to Harvard.

How did you get a 'link' to show up as a link on a Reply anyway. I have typed, and cut/paste many but they show up as text only...not a functioning link.