What is the best usb convertor

I have a number of DACs ,Zanden,Accuphase 800,which do not have USB inputs I would like to purchase a USB convertor that I could use with my DACs.Any recommendations.
If I needed one, I would try the Empirical Audio Off-Ramp. It has lots of features and options. If you don't like it, they give a full refund.
The Gustard U12 saw a lot of Audiophilleo users jump ship, about $180 on slow boat from China. Does a nice job with the Metrum Octave. Past $1k its time to get a newer DAC with integrated asynch USB
Yes Zd, if I had the resources i also would like to try the Off-Ramp. But then again, I might also be upgrading my entire system.

I agree with David, if one was to spend ‘Off-Ramp’ type $$$ a newer DAC may be in order.

Not knowing more about Ramy’s budget, intent on use, and his/her system, it is hard to make a recommendation as to what might be ‘best’.
I use a Gustard U12 into my Audio-gd Master 7's BNC input and I am pretty happy with it. I wouldn't mind trying the Empirical Audio Off Ramp as well, but I have a few more things that are higher priority in my audio chain.
Hi, the V-Link 192 is still readily available on Amazon for less than a hundred bucks. It's a cheap and fantastic solution.