Pre amp that match to Pass Alep 5

Currently I used Pass Alep 5 driving the Dunlavy IV/A with Alep L Preamp. I consider to buy the new pre amp to match with the Alep 5, which has the balance input. I'm looking for Pass Alep P but unfortunately it's very rare. I noticed that the new Pass X 2.0 and 2.5 are still availble in this web and price very attractive. My question is which one is match to the Alep 5.

Welcome to all comment.
Hi, I tried to match my Aleph 3 with the X2 and had terrible Hum problems. I and the dealer tried everything to get rid of it, to no avail. I tried the X2 with the Aleph 5 too, briefly, same result. I now use my Aleph 3 with a CJ Premier 17 valve pre. Not balanced I know, but simply wonderful, wide fatigue free soundstage, dynamic, detailed. The Aleph comes up quite often over here in the UK, but the dollar exchange rate and postage would make a purchase prohibitive
The Aleph P is a perfect match. They show up at least 1 a month for $1,500 or less.
As the previous poster said, many people have raved about the Aleph P with the Aleph amps. I have owned this, and also have had long-term in-home auditions of the X-1 and the X2.5. The X-1, I thought, was phenomenal in every way. The X2.5 was very decent, maybe a couple notches down from the X-1. Both X preamps seemed to have greater clarity and detail vs. the Aleph P, and both are very dynamic. Any of the three would be welcome in my home.

Good luck,