Any B.A.T. amp owners-love or not

I am looking into the purchase of the Balance Audio Technology VK6200 amp. I hav eheard they are a great amp but the service is not as one would expect. Also I have heard the failure rate of these amps is higher than usual.
Any feedback concerning this would be greatly appreciated.
Can't speak to the reliability of the VK6200 but I'm a long time owner of a VK200 which, besides being an excellent amp, has not demonstrated any major problems. As far as service goes, Victor, Steve and Geoff are proactive, quickly responding to electronic inquiries and have been willing to spend time on the phone to resolve issues or answer questions. Their product line enjoys a fairly healthy customer loyalty.
I have a vk-250 about 6 months old. Very similiar to the 6200. Flawless. I have never heard of BAT reliability issues. Get the BAT and you will forget you are listening to HI FI.
Reliability? I don't believe you! At least from my experience...

I've owned a VK200, VK 60, VK75SE, and VK50SE updated now to a VK51SE and a VKp5, then a VKP10 which I updated to a P10SE (still have).

Never had a issue other than a tube and that wasn't BAT's fault. Like blaming GM for a flat tire. I've had several questions about use, and they always answer their phones and respond to email. I've bought all mine new, but when I had a question, they never asked if it was under waranty or used.

I've even sent stuff in, thinking it was broke, and it turned out to be a tube. They replaced it, shipped in back in 3 days, and called. Can't get faster than that.

If they are having issues, they will fix them. I can't comment on the VK6200, but BAT as a company is beyond 1st class. They stand behind there products. Customer always comes first.

Good luck. In fact, before you buy it, I'd call BAT and ask them. As far a sound...I LOVE IT.