Best amp for $2000-3000

I have finally saved enough money for a new system. I think I'm 99% decided on the Magnepan 3.6's as speakers. I am looking for recommendations on the following:

Amp - $2000-3000. I like the Odyssey Extreme Mono's or the Innersound ESL.....but I'm open to suggestions.

Preamp - I currently have an old Perreaux SM2 Preamp -- is this good enough?

CD - I currently have a Sony CDP-990 with an optical out. Should I just add a
DAC to this?

DAC - Looking at the Benchmark DAC-1 or a used Muse 2

Sub - narrowed it down to REL, Sunfire or Velodyne.

Speakers - Maggie 3.6's -- unless someone can twist my arm to listen to something else.

Any thoughts are welcome!!


I have 3.6's. I use a Spectron Musician II. It delivers plenty of clean power. Your 3.6's will demand good,clean power. Another added feature is the remote sense ability of the musician. However I have found that the Q-10 cable is much better than the cable sold by Spectron.
Take a look at the Mcintosh Amp. You can find one MC352 used below $3000. You won't be disappointed.

I think a great choice would be a pair of Bryston 7b's 400wpc should really get those maggies cooking....If you dont have adiquite power you will never experience all the maggies can give
Forgot to mention the ICE based amps such as the Rowland 201.

EVS is bringing an amp to the market that should be good as well.
Try a used Mark Levinson 23.5 / tons of power-current - warmer sounding than most SS amps.
They drive my quite inefficient Sonus Faber Extremas extremely well.
You should be able to find a 23.5 in great condition for around $ 2,500.00 on audiogon. It was truly one of the two best amps that Levinson ever made (the 20.6 being the other). I would not consider any of the more moder Levinson amps (300 series and higher).
