SETs vs. Push/Pull

Say, people! I've been a tube guy for about 22 years and an SET guy for 7. Am seriously thinking of selling my Air Tight 300B and getting a P/P with more power. Anyone done this and if so, how are things going? Any suggestions for replacement amps that can compete musically with SETs?
Hello Tomryan,
I am almost in same boat with you, keeping my 89 dB 8,minimum 6 ohms speakers in my system I have dared to order my dealer
SET amp without listening to,I hope it willwork?
Lots more to think about. One of the best sounding amps I've heard on my speakers was a 25wt S/S Accuphase. I may try to give the Classe a listen as I'm open to most things audio. However, about 3-4-5 years ago I did borrow a Classe from local dealer and found it rather uninvovling and found myself not looking forward to listenings sessions. This has never happened with any SET I've owned (actually any tube amp) as just the opposite occurs - I can't wait for music time. Unfortunately, I don't remember which Classe this was but was a lower wattage model, maybe 40-50 wts.

I'm willing to check those Classe models though and see if the local dealer has anything to try. I also have auditioned Dynaudio speakers another local dealer and found them quite musical. But I then came home and again found my 2.5s wonderfully musical, too, and very satisfying.
One thing that has always struck me about Classe, and I have heard a whole lot of their amps, was that they ALWAYS underwhelmed me.

First of all, even those that tend to be quite large sound a lot whole lot less than their power rating suggest.

Secondly, and more important, in every situation I have heard them in they were cold, clinical, analytical, with quite a bleached out sound.

Of course, if the Proacs sound overly lush, than I might think the match would be good.
Trelja wrote:

"One thing that has always struck me about Classe, and I have heard a whole lot of their amps, was that they ALWAYS underwhelmed me.

First of all, even those that tend to be quite large sound a lot whole lot less than their power rating suggest.

Secondly, and more important, in every situation I have heard them in they were cold, clinical, analytical, with quite a bleached out sound."


My response;

First of all Classe amplifiers have sounded pretty much the same for over a decade, no matter what they engrave on the front faceplate, what exactly were you expecting when you were underwhelmed? How many Classe amps do you have to listen too before you figure out what they were going to sound like?

Just for the record The Classe's don't measure or sound "cold, clinical, analytical, with quite a bleached out sound." And as for the lack power, I'm beginning to think you are confused about this brand. Other than the 70 and the multi channel amplifiers, the Classe's have been very consistent. Maybe its the speakers you've chosen to judge them on that is cold, clinical and bleached out?

Or maybe it would be more prudent to ask, what solid state amplifier have you heard that doesn't fit the "classe" description given above for under $5K?

Try a pair of SUN 300b monos. 20 watts push/pull with all the SET qualities but more power. I did replace these fine amps with a Bruce Moore Dual 70 & I have not looked back.