good amp for b&w N802

cj premier 10 preamp. I need power. Any thoughts?
Check out Jeff Rowland range. My B&W 804 have never sounded better with a pair of Jeff Rowland 201s.
Thanks for the input. Just ordered the new Integrated Concerto and was wondering what you thought the match would be like with B&W 9NTs and a Krell CD player (KAV 280)? Any thought's would be appreciated. Thanks.

have you looked at krell's lineup. you might be able to get a good deal with a KSA 300. I have a krell KAV 2250 with my 803's and I love the sound!
On the cheap?

I've been powering my 802s/HTM-1 with a pair of Krell KAV 250A/3s. I bi-amp each of the 3 speakers and the sound is phenomenal. $4-$4.5k on the used market and built like tanks. I'd love to jump up to an FPB or Pass X350, but the sound is excellent now...not necessary to spend more.