"Upgrade" C-J MF2500A to Pass X250, SimAudio, Or?

I currently have a C-J MF2500A, Cary SLP98, Cary 303-200, Fanfare tuner, etc. driving B&W M802 S3's, in a 12x16" room. I'm actually fairly happy with the sound, but have the upgrade bug; you know how it is. The B&W's like plenty of power, so I'm thinking of high-current SS amps. For some reason I've always had an urge towards a Pass Labs X250--but would that be an "upgrade" to the 240w MF2500A? Also, I've heard that the Pass Labs amps really need balanced IC's to sound their best, which my Cary pre-amp doesn't have. I've also considered Sim Audio, Plinius, or one of the newer McIntosh amps. I'd buy anything I get used. And weight is a factor--even the X250 is twice the weight of my C-J amp, so I don't want to go much over 100 lbs., max. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Hi Steveaudio,

Have you considered a McCormack DNA 500?. I just traded in my BAT VK 500 and got a DNA 500. The BAT is a great amp but its big, bulky and pumps out a tremendous amout of heat. I'm
running a pair Signature 805's and was shocked at how well
they responded to the extra power of the McCormack. I liked
the BAT alot but the McCormack is in another leagure in
my opinion. It also runs a LOT cooler than the BAT and is
a bit more managable when it comes to lugging it around.
I think the DNA weighs in at around 75lbs.

Never had a chance to listen to the Pass Labs but from all
accounts I have read they make top notch stuff. Also your
MF2500A is no slouch either. Thats a great amp. I did compare the CJ MF2500A with the DNA 500. I was hoping that
the CJ would be close enough in performance not to justify the price difference. Unforutnatley for my credit card it
wasn't. Good luck with your search.

I have listened to or spent considerable time with all the amps mentioned. The MF 2500A is a keeper and you will be unhappy once it leaves. You will not be able to replace its specificity and openness. This is truly the anchor to your current system. I would look at a different preamp or speaker first. Hang on to the Cary CDP. Alternatively, start with cables. What are you using and what have your tried?

A different preamp, really? Just curious- what do you think would work better in that setup than the Cary SLP98?

I don't own the Cary, but it is one damn fine preamp.