Capacitor-less amps

I've read some amps have no capacitors. Is this a good design?
SimAudio claims that their amps have no caps in the signal path. I believe that they do put caps in the power supply, though.
I think what he meant is that no caps in the signal path. I think Arcam Diva series do not have caps in the signal path either. They use some kind of servo circuits on the output to remove any DC residual.

But for the power section of the amp, there must be caps there.
wavac amps don't have caps in the signal path.

btw, they sound wonderful.

Just FYI, an amplifier without COUPLING capacitors (ie without capacitors in the signal path) is called direct-coupled. All the direct-coupled amps I know of (but I don't get around much) are solidstate. All tubed amps I'm aware of have at least one coupling cap per channel in the signal path.