Pass Labs versus Jeff Rowland, Audio Research

As I am considering replacing my trusty pair of Jeff Rowland 7M monoblocks, feeding a pair of MagnePan IIIAs, I am looking at both the current Jeff Rowland lineup, as well as at the latest incarnation of the Pass Labs X series, dubbed the X.5 series, and some Audio Research models.

In the Rowland lineup I am considering the 501 monoblocks, or the 302 stereo amp, while I have already determined first hand that the smaller 201 monoblocks do not drive the MagnePan IIIA pair adequately.

In the Pass Labs lineup I will consider the X-250.5 (already released), the X-350.5 (just out of engineering), and the upcoming X-600.5.

From Audio Research I already discarded the otherwise extremely lovely VT100 as just slightly underpowered for the Maggies, but will consider the VT200 stereo, the new VSM220 monoblocks, as well as the VTM200 monoblocks.

The rest of my system consists of EAD T1000 CD transport and EAD DSP7000 Mk3 (these likely to be replaced by Esoteric X-01, and an Audio Research LS2B.
I most listen to classical, and within it more to solos and small ensambles than to large orchestra.

I'd value all opinions! In particular any comments concerning the relative merits of the newest Pass amps vs the other brands would be very appreciated.
According to Pass and to those dealers that have already the new X.5 models, these new boxes have a more refined and detailed sound than the old X models, and a fuller fleshed-out midrange. But, how do they truly stack up to Rowland and Audio Research?
Thank you so much Fernando. I am in fact considering very seriously replacing my EAD T100 + DSP7000 with the Esoteric X-01. In addition I may be able to upgrade either my amplifier or my LS2B preamp.

As you have used both Rowland and Pass Labs amps, what did you find to be the sonic differences between the two brands?
Of course, I am also considering ARC for either the amp or the linestage. Thanks to everyone's input this far. Please keep postings coming!

I run 3.6Rs with a VT200 and LS16. The combination is very detailed, dynanmic, and the amp does not clip (easily heard on Magnepans) or distort at listening levels most would consider reasonable. If the VT200 has any downside it's the maintenance that comes with so many output tubes.
I feel that the PASS amp is more musical, with a more liquid midrange and better dynamics. The Rowlands were also great amps, very musical and excellent bass articulation. Honestly.. I can live with either amps and enjoy the music...

The source is a different story, I found great synergy of Rowland amp-preamps with Levinson sources, for my current Pass I am using Metronome tubed CDP, great results as well.

I also was very happy while I had Gryphon amps and preamps, very energetic, full bodied and engaging, there are some good opportunities on used Gryphon units AFAIK.

I am not particulary keen towards ARC, just have had a preamp which I cant recall the model, but not top of the line thou.

Hope this helps,

if you like arc,but feel power is the only drawback,may i suggest you audition their new 300.2.all the arc sound,but with conservatively rated 300w into 8ohm,500w into 4ohm.too further enhance sound and perceived power,use anaconda alpha power chord from shunyata.this chord also will help power problem if yo go for a tube amp.
Good point RMDH. Have you compared ARC 300.2 with Rowland 501 monoblocks? Excellent idea about Shunyata Anaconda. I have tried this chord at Andy Singer's shoppe in N.Y. recently and I am totally sold on it.