You stipulate a desire to buy a final system. Admirable, but experience says you are not going to be willing to remain on the sidelines after you have had that system for a while.
If you are sincere in your stated desire, however, you would be well advised to eschew tubes and fads. Today's favorite flavor lacks staying power and may eminate from a source who is shortlived.
My suggestion is the JRDG Concerto preamp. It is available with phono for $4500, will never need service, will maintain resale value, interface with anything, and outperform all other options for music reproduction. Sound effects are another matter and any number of alternatives may surpass this unit when reproducing gunfire or car doors slamming.
If you are sincere in your stated desire, however, you would be well advised to eschew tubes and fads. Today's favorite flavor lacks staying power and may eminate from a source who is shortlived.
My suggestion is the JRDG Concerto preamp. It is available with phono for $4500, will never need service, will maintain resale value, interface with anything, and outperform all other options for music reproduction. Sound effects are another matter and any number of alternatives may surpass this unit when reproducing gunfire or car doors slamming.