Harmonic recovery System

Not reall an amp, preamp question, but has anyone used this tweak.
I think its basically an added gain stage. If anyone has used it , please let me know youre impressions. Thanks
Neal my AH 4000 CDP with upsampler actually is my second
source front end, the Sony 9000es mod I have is hook
right now on my second system.The sony modwright is
really good.Email me if you have any more question.Dan
told me my sony will sound at least 5k player.I did
not believe Him, but it exceeded that actually.Thanks
May I ask which one you like better, the AH4000 w/ upsampler or the Sony 9000ES w/ mod?
Ykk the Sony 9000es mod is three times better than my
AH,the only reason why I put it on my main system,
Is too experiment.The Ah is a very very musical cdp,
in my system, thats what I am hearing.You cant go
wrong.I like my sony better of course, the sony mod
does 3D presentation,the bass is excellent.
How much is the mod to 9000es, and where can I get it done?

What does it do - how does it improve the sound?
Is the stock 9000es pretty good as well?