McCormack DNA .5? Do I need more power?

Hi. I have been thinking about picking up a used McCormack DNA 0.5, which I may upgrade in the future. Will it be powerful enough at only 100w? I am currently using a B&K Reference 4420 (225wpc) and while it sounds good, I am sure I will get better sound out of the McCormack, especially once upgraded. My speakers are 91db, pretty efficient, but they have a big 10" driver along with a 6.5" driver, 1" driver, and tweeter, so I don't want to under-power them. Manufacturer recommends no less than 30w. I don't play real loud (no higher than 10 o'clock, which is plenty), but I don't want the lows to be muddled by a lack of power. What do you think?
It's a great amp, but I had to get rid of my Rev. A due to clipping my Maggie 1.6's Everything was fine until a low bass note was played and the speakers would make a "snap" sound. The 1.6 just sucked the juice out of that amp. Moving to a W4S ICE amp fixed it of course. At 91db efficiency you will be OK. I just wanted to let everyone know there is a limit to what that or any 100 watt amp can do.
Hi Koestner

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with the DNA .5. I'm hoping to get a DNA .5 soon and see how the little guy does with my KEFs. I had a DNA 1 Deluxe before with the KEF 104/2s and I liked the sound was really revealing but it may have been too much power for the speakers.
Koestner, you are correct sir, there is a limit to what even the McCormack DNA 0.5 can do. Seven years ago on my above post (wow where did the time go?) I was using very efficient speakers that had a sensitvity of 102 db. It was no wonder I thought the 0.5 might have unlimited power reserves. Your Maggies are much more difficult to drive as you mentioned. I could see how ice power did the job nicely. If you or anyone else on this thread sends me an email, I will send an interior picture of analog amps that can drive any speaker regardless of its efficiency rating to high volumes without clipping!
I tried my old McCormack DNA.5 on a set of Maggie 3.5's. It sounded good, with a tighter bass than the ARC gear in the showroom. But it didn't have that tube bloom that the ARC provided and made the Maggie's sound magical. Of course the bass was plummy with the ARC gear, so that was a non starter for me also.

I've since upgraded to a DNA500 and will never lack for power, or finesse, again.
"Anyone ever use a McCormack DNA .5 stock or Deluxe to power a pair of KEF 104/2 speakers?"

You might want to try contacting Bside123, I think he has that combination and likes the way they work together.