Single ended Power amp recommendation

I just recently purchased a pair of SAP J-M2001 MKII and need to change my power amps. Currently using BAT-DK5 to Emotive Audio Sira LE and Conrad Johnson Premier 8A.
Since the SAP are horn speakers, I heard that it should be best with single ended poweramps w/ zero feedbacks. Any suggestion and recommendation?
I'm thinking to sell my Conrad Johnson Premier 8A so the budget should be around 5-6k.
You can have a custom single ended 300b (or 2a3 or push/pull) interstage coupled amplifier built for you for 4000 including a warranty. This amp would have custom would Electraprint transformers and come in two chassis; one amp and one power supply. No noise, great sound, and a tremendous power supply for those transients. If interested let me know.
Air Tight ATM300 - one of the most neutral SETs around and built like a battleship. Tamura trannies, point-to-point wiring, self biasing, comes with WE 300B output tubes. Do some tube rolling for the input and rectifier tubes.
I think that a David Berning Siegfried 300B Single-Ended ZOTL is an excellent SET amp with the advantages of OTL sonics and terrific impedance matching without an output transformer.

They can be bought for under your stated budget, and would be one of the best amps possible at that price range.