Good sounding Deutsche Grammophon recordings

We have a pretty big classical CD collection and many are Deutsche Grammophon. Many of these recordings don't sound that great and I have to say that some of the Deutsche Grammophon vinyl we have is average sounding. But the performances are usually top notch. After upgrading my cartridge to an Audio Note iQ3 I took a chance on some mid 60's Herbert Von Karajan/Berlin Philharmonic vinyl from Ebay. I thought I would share some of the outstanding finds I came across.

Brahms four symphonies-outstanding sound and amazing playing. These symphonies can sound thick and muddy. Not here.
Brahms Violin Concerto- Christian Ferras violin.
Beethoven Violin Concerto- Christian Ferras violin -Simply amazing sound.

Karl Bohm and the Berlin Philharmonic Schubert 5th Symphony. Elegant interpretation and excellent sound. I think from the 60's

A live performance of Beethoven's Piano Concerto no1. from 1979 Carlo Maria Giulini conducting the Vienna Philharmonic- Sonically amazing.

I found most of these less than $15 and mint minus ratings- not bad :)
You'll find that answer in the archives, the subject of many threads, with many answers.
Try BIS, ECM, Steeplechase, Wergo, Erato, EMI, Decca, Harmondi Mundi, Blue Note, Contemporary to name a few.
Steve Hoffman Music Forum has many discussions focusing on sound quality of particular albums and the different versions of them, as reissues, etc.
Some of the older DG recordings are referred to as "Tulip Label" (blue tulips) and Covers with the word "Stereo" in red.
The Paganini Concerto collection, I can't recall the title of the album or the violinist, is a superb DG recording. I just don't have it. I believe the title is something like "Paganini Diabolique" or similar. Terrific performances and (IMO) the best recording job of any DG.