How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?

Since my amplifier is too large for an equipment rack, I keep it on a seperate amplifier stand. There is nothing above it to keep my two cats from climbing on top when it is turned on, which they always do, attracted by the warmth. At first I didn't mind until my Rotel RMB-1095 Amplifier shorted due to a build-up of cat hair falling inside. Now my front right channel is gone. I just bought an Integra Research RDA-7 to replace it.
Is there a good way (short of the cat pound) to keep them off?
Jconder has the right idea; cats really do hate sticky surfaces! Pick up some (specially made just for this purpose) double-sided sticky tape at any local PetSmart store etc. It's made to be used on furniture etc. & leaves no residue once removed. After a short time the cats quicky get the idea & you can then remove the tape. They will continue to avoid the surface therafter.
Whoa !! It's a good thing we're audiophiles and NOT veterinarians !
We'd have an epidemic goin on for all the cat lovers !
I think we need to investigate Flemke's idea a bit further.

Amplifier manufacturers should consider designing heatsinks like a maceball or a porcupine, like an ironmaiden turned inside out.

Nah, I'd rather throw a couple Fer De Lances and a Black Mamba in the room.

Here is a link to a scarecrow motion activated sprinkler system. That might work!
Go to the zoo and ask the zoo veterinarian for a jar of lion urine, or wolf urine. Coat the amps with the urine and the cats will stay away.

PS: You'll also need a nose clip,