New Pass Labs X.5 series versus previous X series

Pass Labs is in the process of re-dedesigning their entire X series into the new X.5 series. As of this writing X150.5, X250.5 and possibly X350.5 are already shipping. The X600.5 are expected to start shipping early in the new year. This thread is to discuss experiences with the new amps, their sound signature, perceivable improvements over the old series, and of course dissenting opinions. Everyone's perspective is welcome--X and X.5 owners, X.5 window shoppers, Dealers, and all other audiogoners with a passion for affect by the bug of audiophilia.
I recently purchased an X250.5 and love it. I've seen several amps go through my system over the years including an X250 and an X350. I've never felt content with my amp and always felt the desire to try something different although I really enjoyed the X350 better than any other I had had at the time. But I doubt the X250.5 will be leaving my system for quite some time. Every time I sit down to listen, it seems to sound better. I would strongly recommend a listen to the X250.5 or the X350.5. I can't really imagine the X350.5 sounding a lot better than the X250.5, but I was surprised at how much of an improvement there was in the X250.5.
Sigmund, it will be interesting to hear your impressions of your new X350.5 as you keep breaking it progressively in.
Last night I stayed up way too late listening. I experienced something with the 350.5 that I didn't with the 350. The 350 was a very exciing amp to listen to in my system. The transients were explosive and exciting. The reproduction of insturmental timbers could not have been better. But the 350.5 sucked me into the music....the only thing I can figure is that the inner detail is so much better I kind of felt like I was listening to a 300B amp. The 350 seemed to take sweveral months to really break in, so it will be interesting to see how far the 350.5 will come.
It is interesting to learn on the inner detailed presentation that Sigmund refers to. I have always felt that it is currently one of the main virtues of my X250. Inner detail, dynamics, articulation (particullary with the First Sound Passive preamp). I just can't imagine a step-forward these sonic attributes.. congratulations!


PS: If I am pushed to hard to say what would I like to have more from my X250 would be depth of image. Have you experienced this as well?
Hi guys,

I've been confuse about the new .5 upgrade for a very long time and still is...Therefore, I've talked to Pete at Pass...and certainly, the x300.5 is the best in the x series he have ever heard compare to only the x250, x250.5, and the x300!!...however, I've been wanting the x600 mono block for a very long time, and Pete is recommending me to get the x600 over the x300.5 for my speaker(e.g Sony SS-m9ed - e.g that's sony uses for the demo)....What does this really mean?...could the x600 still sounds better than the new x300.5...but the x600.5 will be the very best of the best?...

I've seen the new faceplate of the new x300.5, and thought that the older look looks more mucho and heavey duty looking. Whereas the newer look is more elegant similiar to the new xa series....

Help guys...x600 or x350.5?.....any advise?..I'm lost.