Pass XA100 or X350.5

Own a X350, thinking of opgrading to X350.5 or XA100.
Have someone heard the XA100´s?
Use Kharma 3.2F and Wadia 301 with Kharma cables.
line_romer: please do keep us posted on your findings, preferably once broken-in.

Have been listening to my XA100's the last couple of week's, and can only say that they sound much better than my X350. They are much more detailed, even greater dynamics, and more tight in the bass?? Soundstage depth and width has also improved. Everything sound much more like the real thing.
line_romer: what spkrs are you using?. are the 100 watts enough?.

I do like a pure class A better than an A/AB design, but I need more than 150 Watts for my spkrs.

I use Kharma 3.2, the 100 watt is more than enough for me.
If the 100 watt is enough for you, I do not know, can only say that the XA's sound much better than the X's.
Thanks for sharing yourexperience line_romer, I am quite happy with the X250 right now and aiming more to upgrade my analog front end in the next future.

I was just asking if the 100 Watts were enough power for you since the spkrs I haqve demand a lot of power and control. I also think that 100 pure-class A power will do for meas well.

