Lyra Delos 'belly cover'

For a lack of a better description or name the 'U' shaped piece of material? / plastic? on the underside of my Lyra Delos cartridge is starting to fray. This cover is behind the boron whisker cantilever and covers the area where the 4 wires pass from the cart to the tonearm connector interface. So, the question is....I am debating removing this cover because it is starting to drag on my LP's. (other nude cartridges don't utilize the 'belly cover'.) Bad idea? Any thoughts on how to proceed in its removal? Thank You in Advance!!
Update on Sunday the 14th. I examined the Washi paper under magnification this morning. I do not see any errant threads or fuzzy appearance, as was the prior case. So, the little experiment seems to have worked, for the time being at least. I will see how long this home remedy works and post again if necessary. If all these shade tree efforts fail, I'll unmount the cart and send it back to Lyra. In the meantime if your experiencing the same type of issue you may want to try my process. Thank you for the comments and advise.
Infection, the only thing I can say is the Lyra sounded better than a worn out Benz Micro. And that's not even close to apples and oranges. It's so hard to do side by side comparisons unless you have a lot of $$ and the patience of JOB on your hands. Others make what are known as nude cartridges and do not utilize a cover over the bottom. I can't say the Lyra suspension is that unique that a little air from a can could or would not clean it if dust accumulated inside. I like the sound and its output (mV) and price ($$) were in my demographics.
Not to diminish the problem that Quincy had in any way, I found Lyras to be less troublesome in tracking terms than carts with a solid plastic undercarriage where the stylus was also recessed underneath?
In one case (many years ago back when Linn Asak MCs were new products) I experienced the cart being lifted out of the groove altogether i.e. zero sound output, by a monster sized fluff-ball! :^O
By comparison, Lyras are largely unaffected by large or small amounts of lint because of the unenclosed cantilever?
In fact, the stuff rarely even accumulates on the cantilever or stylus - and when it does you can barely see it. (Again this refers to uncleaned LPs. With cleaned ones the issue doesn't arise at all.)

It's an unfortunate fact of life that even a clean record becomes strewn with lint after repeated use but they are undeniably less prone immediately after cleaning. However, I've found that most of my near half-century old (uncleaned) records are no more prone to lint accumulation (on stylus) than clean records if the stylus is correctly aligned in the groove. (I have a theory that static effects appear worse when the stylus alignment is sub-optimal ;^)

There are particular discs which have a tendency to attract lint and static. The worst of these is the HFNRR Test Disc due to its job description. ;^)
Regarding the use of forceps/tweezers around cartridges, I find a good pair of bamboo tweezers to be indispensable: