Lyra Delos 'belly cover'

For a lack of a better description or name the 'U' shaped piece of material? / plastic? on the underside of my Lyra Delos cartridge is starting to fray. This cover is behind the boron whisker cantilever and covers the area where the 4 wires pass from the cart to the tonearm connector interface. So, the question is....I am debating removing this cover because it is starting to drag on my LP's. (other nude cartridges don't utilize the 'belly cover'.) Bad idea? Any thoughts on how to proceed in its removal? Thank You in Advance!!
Should be end of discussion.... Sunday July 12th 2015. I examined the underside of the Washi paper mounted to the bottom of the cartridge with high power magnification. Still clean, no threads, smooth like a babies behind. I believe the steam distilled water method worked! If your have a similar issue I would give this method a try before you disassemble your system.
I use a little pri-stick here in the UK. It's for gluing paper to paper. A little trace on your finger and run along the belly of the cartridge. Loose strands get rebonded to the wishi paper.
Cyclopse, interesting..I think we call that a glue stick here in the USA. That is a clever idea and I'll keep it in mind when the fibers loosen again, which I am sure they will. Thanks for the post.