Why do my speakers "POP" when I turn off preamp?

HI. Is there any way I can get rid of that loud POP sound though my speakers that I get when I turn off the preamp (and leave the amp on)? My preamp is a C-J PV10A, which is recommended to turn off when not in use, but my amp is the C-J MF-2200, which is SS and can be left on. That sound can't be good for the speakers.
I always take my volume down to zero when I finish a listening session, just to play it safe.
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Turn off your amp first and then your preamp!
Turn on your Preamp on first and then turn on your amp.
Okay, thanks! I was following C-J's manual and it said I could leave the amp on 24/7, but that I should turn off the preamp when not in use, which extends the life of the tubes. Guess that isn't a good idea in this case! After the first time it happened, I started turning the amp off first, but thought there was something I was missing (I don't have a mute button, and the volume control does nothing in this case).
I've had three CJ based pre-amp/amp systems and always turned off amp first (they were all tube designs) and waited about 1-2 min then turned off pre. If you turn off pre but leave amp on you're allowing some voltage to leak into speakers which causes popping sound - not a good thing.