Another spec closely related to slew rate, and usely more widely published, is bandwidth. Amplifiers with wider bandwidths are faster and equate to larger valued (faster) slew rate specs. An amplifier that can reach 100kHz is faster, and would have a better slew rate spec, than one that goes only to 50kHz - the higher the number the better.
Current is the electrical property that is needed to drive speakers well, not voltage. Producing lots of current for a given power rating is part of what makes better amplifiers heavier and costlier. Current specs are rarely published, so one way to get an idea of an amp's current capacity (besides opening the amp and looking at the fuses) is to compare power ratings at different speaker impedances. An amp rated at 100W into 8ohms and 165W into 4ohms has more current capacity than an amp with 100W into 8ohms and 125W into 4 ohms. Please keep in mind though, that this only works if manufacturers aren't misleading when publishing their amp's specs. Product reviews where specs are measured are a good source of data for comparisons.
I have Magnepan planer speakers and use amps with high current capacity to drive them, with excellent results. Keep in mind that when choosing a high current amp, planer speakers need a certain amount of minimum overall power as well. I would recommend 100W as a minimum, as long as current capacity is there, but more would be better.
Hope this helps. :o)
Current is the electrical property that is needed to drive speakers well, not voltage. Producing lots of current for a given power rating is part of what makes better amplifiers heavier and costlier. Current specs are rarely published, so one way to get an idea of an amp's current capacity (besides opening the amp and looking at the fuses) is to compare power ratings at different speaker impedances. An amp rated at 100W into 8ohms and 165W into 4ohms has more current capacity than an amp with 100W into 8ohms and 125W into 4 ohms. Please keep in mind though, that this only works if manufacturers aren't misleading when publishing their amp's specs. Product reviews where specs are measured are a good source of data for comparisons.
I have Magnepan planer speakers and use amps with high current capacity to drive them, with excellent results. Keep in mind that when choosing a high current amp, planer speakers need a certain amount of minimum overall power as well. I would recommend 100W as a minimum, as long as current capacity is there, but more would be better.
Hope this helps. :o)