looking at upgrading my tonearm from a triplanar

I have a Galibier Gavia table, ZYX Universe II cartridge and a triplanar tonearm running through a Doshi Aalap preamp.

The sound is wonderful but I can't help but feel I could enhance the vinyl rig by upgrading the tonearm,
particularly gaining low level detail.

I've read up on a few models and I am looking for input on an arm that would be a significant step up from the triplanar.

I am particularly interested in comments from previous triplanar owners on sonic improvements with a new arm

the Durand Talea, Kuzma 4 Point and Graham are on my short list. I am not considering anything above $10k


Go with a Graham Phantom Elite. It is quite the step up from the Graham Supreme. I have two Supremes and one Elite 10" which is my go to arm. I use a 12" Supreme in the rear slot for mono. The Graham also has interchangeable arm wands so you can have a couple carts set up and ready to go save for the need to set tracking weight and arm height which is also easiest with the Graham because of the calibrated bearing tower bubble level.
Ralph, theory is fine, but the fact is that even our mother planet has a resonant frequency. I fear that it's a bit utopian to expect an armwand to accomplish what our planet cannot do (to dissipate all vibrations into heat).

Our planet is supposed do dissipate vibration in a tone arm??
Is the Mk.VII Triplanar a significant improvement over the Mk.VI, or merely incremental?
07-23-15: Bdp24
Is the Mk.VII Triplanar a significant improvement over the Mk.VI, or merely incremental?

What a question. Where did you live in the last 40 years? Did nobody tell you that the next model is always better? A total sonic revolution. Even more when it is more expensive? That everyone is honest and able to hear differences, even with units which are well known not to bite the bullet? I knew Dealers, Distributors who were able to live from Love and clean Air but unfortunately they got less from year to year. Does anyone out there knows the reason for? Try to get a good price for the next "upgrade" and you will feel automatically much better. And of course, you will hear something you never heard before :-)
I hear ya, brother! According to ARC, every Mk.2 version of every ARC product is a huge, dramatic transformation of the now unlistenable original. Some SP-10 owners probably traded in their pre-amp for the new SP-11 without thinking twice, soon thereafter regretting it.

I'm sure the Mk.VII Triplanar improves on the Mk.VI (the change was made long ago), but by how much and in what way(s)? A Mk.VI can be had for around $2k, making it look like an easy choice over any new arm at that price.